dear mr. skid:
on behalf of everyone at zhang,i would like to thank you for referring us to american eagle motors, inc. we have successfully assisted american eagle motors in acquiring china mini motors co., ltd, beating all competitors here in china and from abroad.
when you get the chance to meet with the president of american eagle motors, please tell him that we enjoy working with mrs. emily johnson, our contact person in american eagle. she is a very experienced case manager and is extremely helpful in providing the assistance needed for us to render our service in a timely manner.
for your information, the attorneys at zhang have extensive experience working with clients in a wide array of professions and industries. for example, our corporate law practice is considered topnotch in china. enclosed for your information is a customer survey report as published by chinese lawyers, a widely circulated professional magazine in china.
we hope that you will keep us in mind if you or any of your business associates or friends are in need of legal advice in china. we would be happy to be of assistance.
what 三 九;s more,we appreciate the opportunity to work with you and american eagle motors. if you have any reco妹妹endations on how we could better perform in the future, please call me at 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九.
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