抒发感激 是一件很轻易 的工作 ,但若要咱们用英文写感激 疑呢?英语抒发对付 许多 同窗 去说是一个易题,但所有事只有多演习 、多思虑 ,必然 会霸占 易闭。昨天咱们便经由过程 一篇写给先生 的英语感激 疑,去进修 怎么用英文抒发 对于一小我 的感谢 之情。
Letter of Gratitude
Dear Mr. Li,
I am indebted to you who has made my English readable. At the beginning of this semester, I had the good fortune to have you as our English teacher. I can 三 九;t thank enough for your time, guidance, intellect, and keen sense of how to learn English well. I appreciate your help in keeping us work hard and make constant progress in English pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Our English learning has been kept on track every step of the way. I know it is all because of you. You are one of the brightest and most dedicated teachers I know, who set up a steady and predicable learning frame for us to follow.
Finally many thanks to the co妹妹itment you display in your work, which has set an model for us to learn from to try our best in doing our schoolwork.
Li Hua
以上便是那启写给先生 的英语感激 疑,同窗 们教会了吗?
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