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hacker2年前 (2022-09-22)黑客教程105


求:黑客帝国2和3里利奥PK史密斯之前 利奥和史密斯的英文对白


Smith: Mister Anderson! Did you get my package?

Neo: Yeah.

Smith: Well, good.

Morpheus: Smith.

Link: Whoever it is, he's not reading like an agent.

Smith: Surprised to see me?

Neo: No.

Smith: Then you're aware of it.

Neo: Of what?

Smith: Our connection. I don't fully understand how it happened. Perhaps some part of you imprinted onto me, something overwritten or copied. That is at this point irrelevant, what matters is that whatever happened, happened for a reason.

Neo: And what reason is that?

Smith: I killed you, Mister Anderson, I watched you die... With a certain satisfaction, I might add, and then something happened. Something that I knew was impossible, but it happened anyway. You destroyed me, Mister Anderson. Afterward, I knew the rules, I understood what I was supposed to do but I didn't. I couldn't. I was compelled to stay, compelled to disobey. And now here I stand because of you, Mister Anderson, because of you I'm no longer an agent of the system, because of you I've changed - I'm unplugged - a new man, so to speak, like you, apparently free.

Neo: Congratulations.

Smith: Thank you. But as you well know, appearances can be deceiving, which brings me back to the reason why we're here. We're not here because we're free, we're here because we're not free. There's no escaping reason, no denying purpose - because as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist.

Smith 2: It is purpose that created us,

Smith 3: Purpose that connects us,

Smith 4: Purpose that pulls us,

Smith 5: That guides us,

Smith 6: That drives us,

Smith 7: It is purpose that defines,

Smith 8: Purpose that binds us.

Smith: We're here because of you, Mister Anderson, we're here to take from you what you tried to take from us. Purpose.

Trinity: What's happening to him?

Link: I don't know.

Smith: Yes, that's it, it'll be over soon.


Smith/Oracle: Mr. Anderson, welcome back. We missed you. You like what I've done with the place?

Neo: It ends tonight.

Smith/Oracle: I know it does - I've seen it. That's why the rest of me is just going to enjoy the show - we already know that I'm the one that beats you.

{Super Burly Brawl part 1: spinning/flying battle}

Smith/Oracle: Can you feel it, Mr. Anderson, closing in on you? Well, I can. I really should thank you for it, after all, it was your life that taught me the purpose of all life. The purpose of life is to end.

{Super Burly Brawl part 2: flying battle}

Smith/Oracle: Why, Mr. Anderson, why? Why, why do you do it? Why, why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something, for more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is, do you even know? Is it freedom or truth, perhaps peace - could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson, vagaries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. And all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself. Although, only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson, you must know it by now! You can't win, it's pointless to keep fighting! Why, Mr. Anderson, why, why do you persist?

Neo: Because I choose to.

{Super Burly Brawl part 3: crater battle}

Smith/Oracle: This is my world! My world!

{Neo is knocked back against the crater wall and is lying on the ground}

Smith/Oracle: Wait... I've seen this. This is it, this is the end. Yes, you were laying right there, just like that, and I... I... I stand here, right here, I'm... I'm supposed to say something. I say... Everything that has a beginning has an end, Neo.

{Neo begins to get up again}

Smith/Oracle: What? What did I just say? No... No, this isn't right, this can't be right. Get away from me!

Neo: What are you afraid of?

Smith/Oracle: It's a trick!

Neo: You were right, Smith. You were always right. It was inevitable.

{Smith/Oracle imprints over Neo}

Smith/Oracle: Is it over?

{Smith/Neo nods, with a slight grin. Neo's real body jerks, an intense aura of orange light appears around Neo's body, light explodes from Smith/Neo and from the real Neo, Smith/Neo is destroyed}

Smith/Oracle: Oh, no, no, no. No, it's not fair.


Can you hear me, Morpheus? I'm going to be honest with you. I hate this place, this zoo, this prison, this reality, whatever you want to call it. I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink. And every time I do I feel I have somehow been infected by it. It's repulsive, isn't it? I must get out of here. I must get free and in this mind is the key, my key. Once Zion is destroyed there is no need for me to be here, don't you understand? I need the codes. I have to get inside Zion, and you have to tell me how. You're going to tell me or you're going to die.

黑客帝国 史密斯的经典台词



Oracle: I'm going to let you in on a little

secret. Being the One is just like being in love. No one can tell you you’re in

love, you just know it. Through and through. Balls to bones.


Morpheus: We don't know who struck first, us or them. But we know that it was us that scorched the sky at the time they were dependent on solar power and it was believed that they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun. Throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems is not without a sense of irony.



04Morpheus: There are fields, endless fields, where human beings are no longer born, we are grown. For the longest time I wouldn't believe it, and then I saw the fields with my own eyes. Watch them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living. And standing there, facing the pure horrifying precision, I came to realize the obviousness of the truth.

Cypher: You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.Cypher:你知道吗,我知道这块牛排并不存在。我知道当我把他放进嘴里时,母体就会告诉我的大脑,这东西鲜嫩多汁。九年后的今天,你知道我领悟了什么吗?无知,就是幸福。





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2年前 (2022-09-22)

't believe it, and then I saw the fields with my own eyes. Watch them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intra

2年前 (2022-09-23)

back to the reason why we're here. We're not here because we're free, we're here because we're

2年前 (2022-09-23)

the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living. And standing there, facing the pure horrifying precision, I c

2年前 (2022-09-22)

e time they were dependent on solar power and it was believed that they would be unable to survive without an energy s


