先知:i know you're neo,be right with you.
neo:you're the orache?
先知:bingo,not quite what you were expecting,right?almost done.smell good,don't they?
先知:i'd ask you to sit down,but you're notgoing to anyway.and don't worryabout the vase.
neo:what vase?
先知:that vase
neo:i'm sorry.
先知:i said,don't worry about it.i'll get one of my kids to fix it.
neo:how did you know?
先知:what's really going to bake your noodle later on is would you stillhave broken it if i hadn't anything?you're cuter than i thought.i can see why she likes you.
先知:not too bright,though.you know why morpheus brought you to see me.so,what did you think .do you think you are the one?
neo:i don't know.
先知:you know what that means?it's latin.means,"i know theyself." i'll letyou in on a little secret.being the one is just like being in love.no one can tell you you're in love.you just know that,through and through.balls to bones.well,i'd better have to look at you.open your mouth.say,"ah"
neo:ah~~~(neo 真够)
先知:ok,i'msupposed to say ,"hmm,that's interesting,but then you say.
先知:but you already know what i'm going to tell you.
neo:i'm not the one.
先知:sorry,kid.you got the gift,but it looks like you're waiting for something.
先知:your nextlife,maybe.who knows?that's the way these things go.
先知:what's funny?
neo:morpheus,he almost had me convinced.
先知:i know.poor morpheus.without him,we're lost.
neo:what do you mean,"without him"?
先知:are you sure you want to hear this?morpheus believes in you,neo.and no on ,not you,not even me can convince him otherwise.he believes it so blinaly,that he'sgoing to sacrifice his life to save yours.
先知:you're going to have to make a choice.in the one hand,you'll have morpheus'life.and in another hand,you'll have your own.one of you will going to die.which one will be up to you.i'm sorry kiddo.i really am.you have good soul.and i hate giving good people bad news.dot worry about it.as soon as you step outside that door.you'll start feeling better.you'll remember you don't believe in any of this fate crap.you're in control your own life. remember? here,take a cookie. i promise,by the time you're done eating it.you'll feel right as rain.
链接: 提取码:7bg9 作品相关简介: 《黑客帝国:重访矩阵》是Josh Oreck执导,Kym Barrett、Jason Bentley等出演的电影纪录片,该片于2001年11月20日在美国上映
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