Pride and Prejudice is a film that is stunning on several levels: the performances are excellent, the soundtrack is amazing, and the cinematography is beyond comparison.
The performances were stellar. The entire cast was great, and it's interesting to note that, among the "stars" that made up the cast, there are several lesser known actors; this was the first movie credit for both Carey Mulligan (Kitty) and Tamzin Merchant (Georgiana).
The matrix is another film that says no to the "human center". It has written a new chapter in the relationship between man and machine. Its conceptual impact and historical significance even exceed the three laws of robots.
This is a kind of release, a kind of energy conversion. The film will ignite you and make you dizzy in dazzle. It's like an animated but three-dimensional film. Science fiction fans won't want to miss every second of the film.
This summer vacation, I read a book called Andersen's fairy tales.
This book has many interesting stories. I can't forget a story in this book, the ugly duckling. It is lonely and no animal will play with it.
In the cold winter, it almost froze to death in the forest. However, it finally through its own efforts. It became a beautiful swan. It is no longer an ugly duck.
This story tells us: in the face of injustice, only through their own efforts can they have happiness and happiness.
Great Expectations
Great Expectations is set in England in the early 1800s.The author uses Pip,the main character,to tell the story .Having lost his parents,Pip lives with his older sister and her husband Joe .Pip"s sister often abuses him,but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.
By the end of the novel ,Pip has changed a lot .He learns that wealth does not buy happiness and that friends are more important than a fancy education.
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